Outfit of the Day: Colour for grey days

Outfit of the Day in Toronto


Although it’s officially spring, let’s say that the season has not yet arrived here. Once in a while, you can put your arms or legs out, but not for long. Not to mention that the city is not yet in bloom as it should be this time of the year. And what do we do when spring is kinda lazy? We force the spring!

This time of the year I start not only to force myself to wear spring/summer clothes (even when the weather is not that great) but also to wear more colours. And even floral prints. Yes, this is my way of fooling myself, lol.

And to get my usual afternoon coffee, I wore this wonderful floral smockered top with only one sleeve. I matched it with basic jeans and that was my super colourful outfit to cheer up any mood!

By the way, this is a tip I give for those days when the weather is not helpful: wear more colours! I’m always the crazy one who wears colourful clothes in winter or on rainy days, because I strongly believe that the colours of our clothes can have an influence on our mood.

Outfit of the Day in Toronto



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